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How Psilocybin Can Help You

If you are struggling with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD or simply feeling like your life is lacking meaning, passion and direction, psilocybin-assisted therapy can be a way to find your way back to the light.

From well-being to creativity, the spectrum of benefits is varied. Ultimately, these benefits are a result of better self-understanding, a letting go of limiting core beliefs and often a profound feeling of connection and awe during the psychedelic state.

Research at Johns Hopkins University, found that about 65% of participants rated their psychedelic experience as “as being among the five most personally meaningful experiences of their lives"


With limiting beliefs/ thought patterns reduced and self-compassion increased, the psilocybin experience gives you a strong shot at reducing symptoms such as compulsive behaviours, relationship difficulties and addictions.

If you are curious let's schedule a free, no-obligation discovery call

The Mushroom Guide

Would you like to explore how psilocybin the active compound in magic mushrooms can help your emotional well being?

Get expert guidance and support before and after your psychedelic trip.

A complete grow kit package, you'll receive a comprehensive preparation and integration package with the free gift of a mushroom grow kit

1:1 or small group sacred ceremonies by appointment. In serene settings, in a safe and legal space. Preparation, integration and breathwork sessions included.

About Me

 I want to give as much safe, affordable and legal access to the healing properties found in magic mushrooms as possible. I keep my prices low and provide the best possible advice and guidance around access to growing and journeying with psilocybin.


I have been taking magic mushrooms for personal healing for the last 6 years and felt a profound change and transformation in my life. It all began with magic mushroom grow kits. If it wasn't for the ease and availability of these kits I would not be the proud and fulfilled person I am today. 

I began to facilitate friends in psychedelic journies as I wanted to share the healing potential I experienced. The changes I witnessed in these friends have compelled me to create this platform and offer up the services of psychedelic preparation, guidance and integration.

I understand the importance of somatic experience in healing and am a certified breathwork facilitator. I hold breathwork classes using faster circular breathing, evocative music, and focused bodywork to activate an inner guiding intelligence. This allows subconscious material to surface safely so that it can be processed and integrated. Participants often experience emotional breakthroughs and spiritual insights during these sessions.

The combination of talk therapy using IFS-inspired parts work in preparatory and integration calls, the mystical experience during psilocybin journeys and the embodied release experienced in breathwork is a powerful, holistic trinity that I am proud to use and call my unique methodology.

Besides my personal experience and breathwork training, I have trained with Psycare UK in psychedelic crisis management, with The Funghi Academy in space holding as well as holding a certificate in counselling. 

Discovery Call

This free introductory video call is designed for us to explore your specific concerns and what I can offer to be of service. If we have not met before, please book this call before booking a full session. 25 minutes.


“... Her introduction was a wonderful weaving of the physiological science that the body undergoes in an hour experience and the intriguing repatterning possibilities. She was confident in teaching and holding fantastic space. She had a gorgeous meditation playlist and truly invited an internal journey even though the room was packed! She so sweetly gave supportive touch, words of encouragement, essential oils, and flowers when needed during the journey 🌸 It was an otherworldly experience and Kelly is truly an Earth angel.” 

-⁠  ⁠Jocie Collins March 2024


"I found it incredibly meaningful. I had already done a lot of breathwork on my own to meditate but this was much more powerful. There were tears, there were memories, there were revelations, and there was healing. For the following couple of days I really could not take my mind from it."

- Pierre May 2024

 " was nothing short of transformational. I had been aware for some time that I had an emotional blockage I had been unable to release, with Kelly it started to flow outwards which gave me proper access to my physical body again. This has had a myriad of benefits in both my inner and outer worlds, helped me towards figuring out further inner work I have to do and assisted in my self confidence generally. I will be back for an individual session to go deeper as soon as my work schedule allows. Thank you so much, Kelly!"

- Amelia June 2024


I offer a range of services to enhance your psychedelic journey. Whether you need help with preparation before a trip, guidance for integration, or both.


Nothing brings people closer to plants than growing them. 

Many folks in the psychedelic community feel that home growing helps facilitate positive experiences with this powerful psychedelic. 

I can't think of a more beautiful way to build a relationship with this medicine and prepare for your journey than the time spent growing your own in the lead-up to a psychedelic trip.

We have two kits - one for our Netherlands and Spanish customers which contain a pre-colonised substrate and take just 3  weeks to grow. 

For the rest of Europe and UK, we have a separate bag and spore package. Simply inoculate your bag with the spores provided, give it a mix and lie it on its side in a nice, warm place. This takes 4-6 weeks to produce. 

Please note in both cases the resulting mushrooms are for ornamental purposes only and are not intended for consumption.



In online via Zoom or in-person, preparation sessions, we will work together to reduce potential harms and increase benefits. In unison, we will create a personalized plan to ready your mind, body, and spirit for the upcoming transformative journey.


Employing a blend of nurturing body practices like breathwork and mindful approaches such as Internal Family Systems (IFS), we'll seek to shine a light on the traumas, and limiting beliefs that may have been laying in the unconscious. Using these modalities we can begin to hone in on the intentions you may wish to bring into your psychedelic journey.

Here we also will cover the more practical elements such as preparing the room (setting), advising how to respond to challenging experiences and dosing.  I can also guide you towards safe and supportive retreat centres, on the use of grow-kits to grow your own medicine, and advise you of important contraindications to resolve before embarking on a psychedelic experience.

If you have signed up for the Grow Your Own Medicine package these Zoom calls are an opportunity to ask practical questions about the kit and how to build a relationship with your medicine as it grows. 

Cost for 1 session: €40 

Cost for 2 sessions: €70

Forest Light


Online over Zoom or in Person, we'll work together using a Mix of IFS-inspired "parts work" and restorative and/or transformational breathwork to delve into the subconscious. In our integration sessions, I will guide you through a series of questions that will help us make sense of the psychedelic experience, fleshing it out. Telling the story of trip is the first step in understanding it, and bringing it to life in this world. 

I am not here to place meaning and interpret: these experiences are deeply personal and only you can be the one to truly unlock the experience.

I can give you the tools you need to make sense of the experience, over the weeks and months after the journey the meaning and action(s) you feel called to take will emerge. Patience, reflection and careful integration work is what is most needed. 


 It can be tempting to make huge life-altering decisions after these journies, I am here to help you interpret the visions and messages received, but I will also act as an objective observer, helping you to take the actions you feel are needed but in a considered manner. 


Together, we'll craft a step-by-step plan, bringing the ephemeral into the material world, giving you actionable steps that are not too overwhelming and giving you better odds of achieving any changes you desire.

Cost for 1 session: €40

Cost for 2 sessions: €70 

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Preparation and Integration Package

Prepare and integrate your trip with:

2 x preparation calls and 2 x integration calls 

Total cost:  €130 



Prepare and integrate your trip with 2 x 1-hour preparation calls and 2 x 1-hour integration calls.


A psilocybin grow kit which comes with technical support from me throughout the growing process. 

Total Package Cost: 

Spain and Netherlands: 180

UK, Portugal + Rest of Europe: €250

Mushrooms Close-Up

Why Magic Mushrooms Therapy?

Psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms, is produced in hundreds of mushroom species growing in countless different habitats across the world.

Magic mushrooms are an ancient medicine. They’re also the focus of a rapidly growing body of scientific and medical research. Over the past decade or so there has been renewed interest from the medial community in psilocybin, and results so far are promising in advanced clinical trials. Patients with proper recommendations can now go to Oregon and take mushrooms in a clinical setting, even before the trials are complete

Psilocybin and other tryptamines do their magic by affecting the serotonin system in the brain. Without going too deep, psilocybin activates several serotonin receptors found in the brain. This activation is what induces the psychedelic experience. In the right setting, you will likely experience your mind becoming aware of itself. This amazing, often funny, profound and potentially transformative state of awareness is the psychedelic state.

There are many reasons people seek out the psychedelic experience. Your motivation may be one specific purpose or a blend of several from inner healing work to seeking a mystical experience.


If you are unsure what draws you to trying magic mushrooms but you are curious to find out more, please reach out and contact us.



Given its potentially profound effect on the mind, it’s impressive how little psilocybin affects other systems in the body. This feat is one reason why psilocybin has garnered such interest in the medical and psychological industry as a therapeutic psychedelic. Physiologically, psilocybin is very safe, has a very low toxicity (much lower than

that even caffeine, for instance), and induces the psychedelic state for about 4 to 5 hours at a level that many find to be quite tolerable. However, high doses of psilocybin can nonetheless be very powerful psychologically, and for some, overwhelming. That is why we are here to guide you safely through the process.


1 x Breathwork ceremony
1 x complimentary mushroom ceremony

Stay Over 
2 x Nights
2 x Breathwork ceremonies 
2 x complimentary mushroom ceremonies



Just 50 minutes from Lisbon by car, my land is located a 20-minute walk from one of Ericeira's favourite beaches. It is in this serene valley by São Julião beach, that I offer in-person, safe legal spaces for 1:1 (or couples/friends) overnight 'Psychedelic Breathwork' retreats.


This breathwork retreat comes with a complementary sacred mushroom ceremony. I keep the prices very low so that as many people as possible can come and enjoy altered states in safe lovingly held spaces.


​Longer stays of 4 days with up to two ceremonies can also be facilitated.


Cacao & Intention Setting

​The retreat begins with a preparatory discussion, during which we set and record intentions, work through doubts and fears, and advise how to respond to challenging experiences. Accompanied with a heart-opening cacao drink to ease us into the space and aid our connection before the ceremony.


We begin and end the retreat with a 30-minute, nervous system reset breathwork. Entering a tranquil state in body and mind.

The Complimentary Mushroom Ceremony

Flowers sit amongst a ceremonial space, the only light visible is that of candles whose flames cast a delicate shadow-play across the walls and ceiling of the bell tent. The scent of medicinal aromatic herbs fills the room with calming vapours. I will begin the ceremony with pranayama breathing to calm the nervous system before I serve the medicine.​ The mushrooms are served in an infusion of calming herbal extracts and after the tea, an optional lavender-suffused hand massage further relaxes the nervous system. Throughout breathing exercises are introduced to keep the body in a relaxed and open state.


​Just as pleasurable fragrances fill the air,  acoustic ecology recordings of natural soundscapes around the world fill the room as we begin a sound meditation and the effects of the mushrooms begin to announce their presence.  You are invited to lie back, relax, and attend to your interior experience for the rest of the session.


The influence of nature is thus brought to bear on the indoor session through gentle immersion involving all the senses, designed to be pleasurable and relaxing whilst simultaneously allowing as much space as needed for each individual to direct their journey. I will be on hand through the journey to offer non-directive comfort, from hand-holding to reassuring affirmations, minimising the chances of a negative experience.


Once the effects subside, I offer a short massage and we provide opportunities to record the experience in writing or through audio. 

The Setting


Throughout your stay, you will be encircled by the valley birdsong and the distant sound of crashing waves. Long or short walks can be arranged to the beach or in the surrounding hills on weekend stays.

Before working together I will conduct a pre-screening for contraindications for psychedelic breathwork to ensure this modality is safe for you.


I recommend booking additional preparation calls and integration calls (or in-person visits)  alongside these retreats.

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